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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-11-17编辑:hynh1021点击率:5724

论文字数:18600论文编号:org201211142242327769语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文





Chapter One Introduction 第一张 引言
  1.1 Research Background 调查背景
  In the traditional English class, it is common that the classroom is dominated by the teachers who areoften regarded as the center of the teaching process. They usually emphasize the importance of grammarand language teaching. They ignore the independence of the students, who are full of curiosity and passiveto receive new things at this age. In modern society, communicative ability is more important and necessarythan ever. So students at school should not only learn language points, but also learn how to communicatewith others in English. However, at present, students at school get the one-way information from theirteachers. Though they have a large vocabulary and can deeply impress a lot of grammatical rules in theirminds, they can not apply what they have learned in actual scene, because they have little chance toparticipate in teaching, learning and communicating with each other in English. Thus, classroom activitieswere put forward.Ordinary High School English Curriculum Standards states that in class design, teachers should payattention to students’ learning interest, life experience and cognitive level. So it requires correspondingclassroom activities in different types of classes. The words “Classroom Activities” appears frequently inthe process of implementing for the new curriculum. Classroom Activities are the positive corresponding tothe statements that to change the present situation that emphasizes too much on teaching language points;to advocate student’s active participation and cultivate students’ substantive ability; to develop student’sability of collecting, analyzing and solving problems; to communicate and cooperate in the target language.It is believed that classroom activities are the essential form for teaching under the concept of newcurriculum. That is to say the effective classroom activities are the reliable ways to achieve the teachinggoal. Nowadays, classroom activities are very popular and widely used in the classroom in westerncountries. In China, classroom activities were gradually accepted by part of teachers in big cities. However,it is difficult to change the traditional ideas of all the teachers. It seems that classroom activities have nohelp to students’ scores, or classroom activities are restricted to a device only for children and pupils.Furthermore, even some teachers treat classroom activities as time-killers. So many teachers may not haverealized that some effective classroom activities in teaching can help them teach students in a moreinteresting way. The implementation of various activities in English class is in line with the needs of seniorhigh school,https://www.51lunwen.org/gaozhongyingyu/org201211142242327769.html whose abstract thinking and divergent thinking have been developed. So it is challenging andcrucial for English language teachers to design and carry out various effective classroom activities andencourage the students to participate in.In this thesis, the author aims to view the current situation of implementing of classroom activities insenior high schools, finding out the problems and putting forward some personal opinions and suggestions.So the following questions are to be addressed. The first on论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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